Added function importADCAM() to import results from ADCAM-type models.
Added example object x.saithe.
Hardwired stringsAsFactors=FALSE in importCol() and removed '...' argument.
User can pass a data frame as the main argument to functions, instead of a scape object.
Package loads quietly, thanks to explicit namespace handling.
Added functions importMCMC() and importProj() to import MCMC results from Coleraine. These functions were a part of the "scapeMCMC" package, which has now been renamed to "plotMCMC" and no longer contains Coleraine-specific functions.
Removed argument 'info' from importCol().
Improved plotCA() and plotCL() handling of NA data values.
Added argument 'swap' to plotCA(), plotCL(), and plotN().
Added argument 'strip' to plotCA(), plotCL(), plotIndex(), plotLA(), plotN(), and plotSel().
Added type "l"[ast year] to plotN().
Improved type "r"[ecruitment] plotN(), so age at recruitment is no longer hardwired as 1.
Added suite of functions to diagnose sigmas and sample sizes: estN(),, estSigmaI(), estSigmaR(), getN(), getSigmaI(), getSigmaR(), and iterate().
Fixed missing error bars in plotIndex, by reestablishing Hmisc dependency.
Improved handling of character/factor/integer in plotting functions.
Improved importCol() so that Year column is integer, not double.
Added argument '...' to importCol(), e.g. to pass stringsAsFactors=FALSE.
Example objects x.cod, x.ling, x.oreo, and x.sbw have character instead of factor columns.
Changed default value of 'what' in plotIndex() to "s" (survey biomass index).
Added argument 'col.strip' to plotCA(), plotCL(), plotIndex(), plotLA(), plotN(), and plotSel(), with gray as default.
Reduced clutter during startup, by importing Hmisc and suggesting gdata.
Added three vignettes: dsc-vignette.pdf, gallery.pdf, and mymodel.pdf.
Added help page for scape-package.
Renamed importRes() to importCol().
Renamed plot*() arguments: 'log.transform'->'log', 'base.log'->'base', and ''->'plot'.
Improved plotIndex() and plotLA() so default y-axis limits extend 4% beyond data extremes, except lower limit is zero when values are not log-transformed.
Removed redundant argument 'fitted.also' from plotIndex(). User can pass lty.lines=0 to suppress fitted lines.
Renamed argument 'fitted.also' to 'fit' in plotCA() and plotCL().
Standardized and vectorized graphical arguments further.
Submitted to CRAN.
Added help pages for all functions.
Improved importRes() so both survey and commercial selectivity are imported.
Renamed Survey and Gear columns to Series, in scape elements CAc, CAs, CLc, CLs, and Sel.
Changed plotCA() and plotCL() so they assume what="s" was intended if what="c" failed.
Added argument 'together' to plotSel() to plot gears in one panel.
Standardized graphical arguments further between plot functions.
Added argument 'cex.legend' to plotB() to set legend text size.
Added argument 'ratio.bars' to plotN() to set bar width in barplots.
Improved tutorial by adding DSC proceedings paper.
Added function plotB() to plot biomass trajectories, landings, and stock recruitment.
Changed plotCA(), plotCL(), and plotIndex() so first series is plotted by default.
Added argument 'together' to plotLA() to plot both sexes in one panel.
Changed importRes() so imported Coleraine models have attributes call=[call] and scape.version=[version]. The info attribute is now empty quotes.
Changed importRes() to CPUE data are imported without a Gear column. Series name can contain the gear name if the user wishes.
Renamed scape element B column Years to Year.
Changed graphical arguments in all plot functions, to simplify and standardize.
Updated x.ling and ling.res to a newer version of Coleraine.
Added function plotIndex(), making plotCPUE() and plotSurvey() obsolete.
Improved importRes() to support gear-specific vulnerable biomass, and label annual Dev elements with years instead of cohorts.
Improved x.ling so it does not contain CLs element, since survey catch-at-length data were not used in that assessment.
Renamed plotSelMat() to plotSel(), and added support for gear-specific plots.
Renamed scape element SelMat to Sel, with a new Gear column.
Improved importRes() so CPUE element will not contain empty Gear:Series combinations.
Added example object x.ling and example Coleraine file ling.res.
Updated tutorial.
Improved plotCPUE() and plotSurvey() multipanel layout control, using 'as.table' instead of 'rev.series'.
Improved plotCPUE() and plotSurvey() grid lines at low values.
Renamed argument 'div' to 'q' in plotCPUE() and plotSurvey() to clarify its purpose.
Improved plotCPUE() and plotSurvey() so internal arguments 'yobs' and 'yfit' do not cause a conflict with top-level argument abbreviation 'fit'.
Changed plotSelMat() so default cex.points=1.
Improved importRes() so needless warnings are suppressed.
Improved plotCPUE() and plotSurvey() so strip labels are more informative.
Added argument 'fitted.also' to plotCPUE(), plotLA(), and plotSurvey().
Improved importRes() so it looks for correctly spelled Number_of_survey_C@A flag.
Improved x.cod so it contains CAs element.
Updated tutorial.
Improved importRes() so maturity is calculated without NaN values.
Added tutorial.
Added example Coleraine files cod.res, l_at_age.txt, oreo.res, oreo.txt, and sbw.res.
Improved plotN() to draw smarter y axis.
Changed importRes() so imported Coleraine models have attributes class="scape" and info=[path].
Removed functions importCor(), plotB(), and plotPearsonCLc().