plotMCMC 2.0.1 (2020-11-23)
plotMCMC 2.0-0 (2014-03-12)
- Renamed package from "scapeMCMC" to "plotMCMC".
- Removed functions importMCMC() and importProj().
- Added arguments 'pch', 'cex', 'col', and 'sfrac' to plotQuant(style="bars").
- Added argument 'staplewex' to plotQuant(style="boxes").
- Changed default 'lty.median', 'lwd.median', 'col.outer', and 'boxwex' in
- Improved plotDens() to draw transparent posterior for fixed quantities.
- Added pch="." to plotSplom() examples, resulting in smaller package tarball.
- Simplified and renamed example objects so they are basic data frames: xpar
(parameters), xrec (recruitment), xbio (biomass), and xpro (projections).
plotMCMC 1.1-3
- Improved plotQuant() and plotSplom() handling of 'mcmc' objects.
plotMCMC 1.1-1
- Minor improvements in help pages.
plotMCMC 1.1-0
- Added argument 'col.strip' to plotDens() and plotTrace(), with gray as
- Changed default 'cex.axis' in plotDens() to 0.8.
- Reduced clutter at startup.
- Added two vignettes: dsc-vignette.pdf and gallery.pdf.
- Updated URLs and email address.
plotMCMC 1.0-2
- Improved plotSplom() to draw quietly.
plotMCMC 1.0-1
- Renamed argument '' to 'plot' in plotDens() and plotTrace().
- Improved help pages.
plotMCMC 1.0-0
- Added help pages for all functions.
- Submitted to CRAN.
plotMCMC 0.9-0
- Added functions importMCMC(), importProj(), plotAuto(), plotCumu(),
plotDens(), plotQuant(), plotSplom(), and plotTrace().
- Added example objects xmcmc and xproj.
- Added example files mcmclike.out, params.pst, procatch.out, projspbm.out,
recruits.pst, spawbiom.pst, and strategy.out.